Friday, December 3, 2010

I created this Long Ago.

I was wondering just what to say in my posts, art, I love art. Mixed Media, Love to make it, Love to view it. What I really care about the most is not being lied to, Lied to by my Own Government. Lied to about what? 9/11 for starters, oh just rumors, no not just rumors, logic, independent investigations by experts in there fields of explosives, science and physics. Look online before we are completely censored, be informed for the sake of your kids and loved ones. UFOs and Aliens, Naw, can't be true. Former astronauts, military workers, Government workers, professional, respected men in their fields were there, they saw them, they interacted with the Aliens. They want the Government officials that know to tell the truth. One even said that abductees were abducted as a deal with the aliens for exchange of Alien Technologies. Then the Aliens stopped informing the powers that be who they were going to Examine?, is that what they do? Star wars was not for missile defense it is for defense against Aliens, they do not trust them any more. There are so many respected men coming forward and spilling the beans so to speak that it is hard to keep track of who said what. I can only get my mind around the things that they are saying, it is so wild and a bit frightening that I find out just how evil men are. I have not even touched on the really unbelievable parts, You can find that out on your own, then research, it is not hard to find. The Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group are 2 more, the agenda, the NEW WORLD ORDER, that a lot of people are already into, though they believe it or not. It is all around. This is the main agenda of both these groups, to control every aspect of our lives. They have a great start. The Patriot Act and Homeland Security, was the first step, you know what they did to get that into existence, gee only close to 3000 innocent lives. We have politicians who take part in occult practices, once a year that we know of, politicians that have the morals of slugs and a President that doesn't take the usual stance when saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Did you vote for this man? He has pretty slimy friends. The Manchurian President, read it and weep to know who our President really is. Even though I believe he is a scapegoat, he is a shady man himself. What happen to the news, the same type of press that pursued Diana and cause her death. The news that digs and digs to get the slightest bit of slime to dirty up a politician. They did not do the job here, Obama was swimming in the muck.. That to me is a first for the press, to many flaws that I feel are important to a politicians character are just being shrugged off, morals are important in any office. Morals just might mean the truth. Kennedy was killed because he was going to do every thing in his power to stop the secret societies he referred to in his speach 10 days before he was killed. They will stop at nothing, they will kill to keep their agenda from being stalled in anyway. This is my new passion. This really infuriates me. The internet can be the citizens best resource, now that is threatened. Now censorship from the internet, though I think there has been all along to some extent. Now they are really going to help the powers that be, the Illuminati, hide the lies. Censorship on You Tube and Google, Wow. Alex Jones, He gets on My nerves once in a while, but we can be informed listening to him. Google says they are going to delete him. What does the future hold for everyone. I used to think conspiracy nuts were just that, I am learning they are not, for the most part. I feel as if I have joined their ranks. The only thing I think is the answer is Powerful Prayer. I can also be labeled a Jesus nut, Then a nut I will be. He is our only hope against this evil that goes back to the foundation of the earth. It is my opinion that these people will not be stopped altogether but we can be prepared and kept comforted by the fact that they will only get so far. There is a lot more...

BREAKING NEWS!!! Declaration of war, talks shunned by US, Japan, S kore...